Salaam, I'll be away to Shah Alam until August 21st to attend a kursus and lookin' up for rumah sewa as next sem will be open up next month. So, shout out to the "sekutu kuat berangan" Shah Alam branch, please do contact me thru mobile if you guys wanted to meet up or even have iftar together. Before I go, here are some pictures of my niece, Mu'adz. He eventually learned to "meniarap" this week. Boriiiiiiing yadda-yadda-yadda. C'mon dude! its such a rare situation for "kutu" like me to experienced and documented it, in photos. Even rarer than the song Baby (Justin Bieber) cover by Faizal Tahir.

As he is picking up how to "meniarap", Im planning to teach him how to ride a horse and shoot some arrows (archery) as I get back in Melaka next week. He is one pretty lucky baby to have such uncle like me. So guys, hows your Ramadhan so far? May Ramadhan be a Madrasah to us and act as Murabbi's role to get us even closer to Allah S.W.T. InsyaAllah...
nice entry bro. and what a nice photo. alhamdulillah,this ramadhan are more 'bermakna' :) finally i know hows the real fasting feels like after all this while. alhamdulillah. jazakallahu khairan bro:)
alhamdulillah, kita sama dapat hikmah utk jadi a better muslim. teringat zaman2 layan lagu assahar, lamb of god, etc... sesat-sesat.
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